Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Networking and Association

No recent updates have been posted because of a busy few weeks. In addition to the usual work, there is a competition coming up that I intend to enter into. I’ve also been building a number of thing and recently picked up a new camera and I am still getting used to it.

It’s been talked about plenty already, but I’d like to talk about the Old Spice Guy. With a number of newer commercials launching during the final games of the world cup, they also went viral in a very effective way, and I’d like to explore why.

The viral aspect of this ad campaign started out small by responding to tweets from users such as 12755JDH with the usual humour and randomness, but quickly moved to the top of the food chain by responding to several celebrity tweets.

This is not simply marketing, though it does a very good job at that as well. This is networking and association. Old Spice is winning association with both internet regulars or ‘the everyday people’ and with the celebrities they fawn after.

In short, this is an excellent example of how a company can do viral marketing correctly.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Pictures of Canada Day

Though backlighting was pretty awful in alot of cases, there were plenty of lovely photos that turned out from the Canada Day celebrations at Columbia Lake Fields.

I was enjoying myself, so I didn't start shooting until around 6-7 pm, missing the first half. The pictures included are low-res jpeg compressions of the high-def RAW photos. If you believe I snapped you or your business, contact me for your free high-def jpeg.

There were two bands that I noticed playing the opening show. Apparently the first band is going to be playing for the Black Eyed Peas shortly. I believe this was Cana Brava, but if the band depicted would like to contact me with corrections or details, please send an email to adamlunde-at-gmail-dot-com so I can add the update as well as your next scheduled gig.

There were a large number of vendors and business including the impressively-styled CHYM FMtrailer. Looks good, takes me right back to the time when people took boom boxes out in the street and danced on slats of cardboard.

The next band I got pictures of was full of soul and song. I believe this was the Rhinos. If the band depicted would like to contact me with corrections or details, please send an email to adamlunde-at-gmail-dot-com so I can add the update as well as your next scheduled gig.

The sun went down and with the opening acts done, Neil Beaumont took the stage with the Waterboys, a local male A Capella group operating out of the University of Waterloo. After a brief introduction, the Waterboys then performed "O Canada!" to roaring applause.

Then there were the fireworks! Still going through all the images now, but I picked one that I especially liked as an example. You can still see the glow of the horizonline, the smoke from the last fireworks, people watching thm and two distinct detonations. Lovely.

[UPDATE 20100704, 10:34] Well, it would seem as if the signifigant differences between my live environment at and the test environment here at home have caused the first code failure. As a result, the pictures are currently direct links to a half-resolution version of the image, rather than tiny 512 pixel versions. All photos on the server are copyrighted, but any pictures of people can be freely used by the individuals in the photos.

So go ahead and grab them before I update my code!

[UPDATE 20100704, 22:17] Despite a large number of tweaks that needed to be made, most of the modifications to my online CV have been made and I am in the process of rebuilding the image index. That means only my ultra-low resolution previews are now available for download again. If you do want to have a full resolution version, please contact me and we'll arrange something.

[UPDATE 20100801, 13:30] I am now using my Skydrive as picture storage for these pictures which means you can get copies of the images at a low 400x600 resolution. You can view these at!518&Bpub=SDX.Photos&Bsrc=GetSharingLink or by simply clicking below. Viewing them does require Microsoft Silverlight

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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Every Day a Networking Day

Happy Canada Day, everyone! I was out there enjoying myself and happily taking picture after picture with my camera when I ran into person after person that I have not seen in a long time.  In addition to many new interesting people , I had the chance to meet ever so briefly with Neil Beaumont of CHYM FM, the local Rogers station.

The short version of the story is that marketing is about people and bringing value to their lives and marketing yourself is no exception. When you have a full-time job like me, you should still be out there meeting as many people as possible and networking with them to expand your list of contacts.

That does mean I can expect more traffic to hit my website at, which is a good thing and a bad thing. The website is HTML 5 and designed to be web standard, so to simplify: it works in browsers like Firefox, Chrome and Opera, browsers that focus on adherance to the W3C web standards.

The flip side of that coin is that Internet Explorer, the browser with one of the biggest market shares, has never been designed with standards as a forefront concern. Mangled box models and other basic CSS 2 display issues were never fixed until Internet Explorer 7, when compliant browsers like Firefox started to draw users away. As of Internet Explorer 8, HTML 5 is still not supported, as it is a draft.

Are any of these good reasons to write bad markup? Or poor code to deliever and modify the markup? Or hacked-up CSS files that exploit the differences in web rendering? All of these are practices of a past when that was the only option. However javascript can be used to modify the markup to HTML 4, then commented to be sent only to browsers based on IE.  A similar method can be used to send a secondary CSS file that fixes the IE incompatibilities.  These cause longer loading times in IE, and there is an additional hitch. They take additional time.

Frankly, the website works everywhere on every browser, but its not ready for prime time. There are several minor IE glitches that still need looking after, and there is a great deal of content that still needs to be uploaded. Other, older content needs to be updated for a new version of PHP. In short, the website is not perfect.

So if my life depended on perfection, I'd be in a bit of a pickle, but I understand that perfection comes from working towards an ideal, a goal, and that the last 20% of what is seen is often 80% of the work. Adapting, updating, always changing, that is what drives towards perfection. Even if it's never touched.

In other words, the site does everything it has to. Even if it doesn't do everything I'd like to. That will come with time and effort. What is important is that even on Canada Day, when I was out and enjoying fireworks, I remembered to do what every person should be doing each day: networking. Getting to know someone new and setting up a reason for contact in the future.